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About us

"We never intended to become breeders, rather we started with a single Bengal that we fell in love with" 

Mandy's Bengals Cattery story started when Kris adopted his first Bengal. He was looking for a pet he could call his companion but didn't want a pet dog's responsibilities since he had a busy lifestyle. 

Growing up, he always had pets, dogs, rabbits, birds, and even a salamander- but never a cat. He had experimented with breeding Samoyed dogs when he was only thirteen years old. As this story unfolds, you will see how life has a funny way of coming full circle.  

In the past, he believed cats wouldn't make for the right pet because they were too independent, or if they were affectionate, he was covered in cat hair after any tender exchanges. 

He had two other (younger) motives as well. He wanted his two young children to know what he did growing up and that a family can grow closer with the addition of a pet. 


Around the same time, Kris' sister adopted a brown Bengal. When he first saw her kitten, he was in awe. The wild-looking mini-leopard more than caught his eye, and he spent more time with the kitten that day than the rest of his family. 

He discovered that Bengals were not your typical house cat - they were extraordinary. They originated from mixing the wild Asian Leopard with a domestic cat. This hybrid is exotic, energetic, playful, athletic, and intelligent. 

He also discovered that Bengals shed much less than other cats if anything at all, so he wouldn't have to worry about "de-shedding" himself every time he left the house. 
A Bengal cat sounded like the perfect pet, just as friendly and energetic as a dog but without all the extra responsibilities. 

He called the cattery that his sister had adopted her Bengal from, and soon after met the kitten he would first adopt: "Kiki Sarabi."


Kiki was the last of the litter to be adopted, and at 16 weeks old, her brothers and sisters had already departed to their forever homes. 

When Kris and his children visited her, they saw a beautiful brown Bengal with a rosette spotted coat and gorgeous hazel green eyes. Therefore, she was timid and overlooked by all the potential parents who had visited. 

Kris was incredibly skeptical because he wasn't interested in an anti-social "scaredy-cat." Still, the breeder reassured him that she would become his loyal companion if he were willing to put the time (and love in). 

Then, Kris noticed a particular spot on the left side of her coat. The rosette was shaped like a heart.  Kris made his decision and knew that Kiki was to come home with them that day.

Kiki hid in the closet for the first few weeks, but with a little patient coaxing, she was soon past her fears and became a new member of the family. 

Sometime later, Mandy, Kris's partner, wanted a Bengal of her own and thought extending the family again would be a great idea. 

That is when they bought their second Bengal, Leon Leo.

snow mink bengal kitten in car mandys bengals

Leo was outgoing and fun-loving, so he bonded with the family instantly. Leo also became a close companion for Kiki, and within the first 24 hours, they became inseparable. 

Perhaps, Mandy had this planned all along, but the discussion to have Kiki and Leo become parents was on the table.

With the help of many mentors and their veterinarians, they learned the ropes of owning and operating a reputable cattery with the highest standards, focusing on health, temperament and the most rare colours and patterns. 

"There is something magical about watching creation take place, especially with something as beautiful as a Bengal," says Kris.

Kris and Mandy witnessed this firsthand when they had their first litter of beautiful baby snow Bengals. 

Since then, they have been co-creating healthy, loving, good-tempered Bengals so that other families can experience the wonderful feeling that a Bengal can bring into their homes. 


We are a registered TICA (The International Cat Association) Breeder


Bengal Canada Member


TIBCS (The International Bengal Cat Society) Breeder


Bengal Cat Club Certified Breeder 


Cat Kingpin Certified Breeder

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